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Reset Email Address
Reset Email Address

Learn how to reset your password for your email address by following these step-by-step instructions.

Updated over a week ago

Self-Service Email Password Reset

  • Enter your email address in the Email Address field.

  • Enter the Verification Code texted to the mobile phone number entered in the previous step.

  • Create a new password with at least eight characters and a character from at least three of these categories: an uppercase character, a lowercase character, special character (e.g., !, $, #, %, space), and a number (e.g., 1, 2, 3)

Webmail Password Recovery Returns - "Contact an Admin"

NATCA's Information Technology Committee (ITC) enabled the self-service password reset option for email addresses hosted with Rackspace starting in 2022. In order to use the self-service option, members must add a recovery phone number to their email address.

To regain access to your account, open a support ticket by clicking the chat bubble to the right and type " email password reset." A member of the ITC will reset your password. Once you regain access, follow the steps to add a recovery phone number to your account.

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